Friday, January 18, 2008

14 Hands 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon

14 Hands 2005 Cabernet from Washington state. Light fruit blackberry and smooth tannins. Very good.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

J.J. Müller 2005 Liebfraumilch

I can't pronounce it, but I sure can slurp it. Label says it pairs well with spicy foods so I tried it last week with a Spicy Penne with Shrimp and Mint recipe. I usually take about 4 days to finish a bottle of wine. I put this one down in 2.

Flavors of Pear, Apple, a touch of citrus and round butterscotch notes. Off-dry.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Charles Shaw Nouveau Valdiguie

Another slurpable varietal of 3-Buck-Chuck that is positioned as a cheap and easy alternative to the Beaujolais Nouveau. I agree with the review at Box Wines on the flavor and found this to be good swill to swallow with dinner the last couple of days. Simple, fruit-forward and pleasant, but nothing ground-shattering. But what do you expect for $3 - it's better than most of the other Chucks I've choked down. Note to self to try a Gamay Noir as it's probably the same thing.